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joint responsibility中文是什么意思

用"joint responsibility"造句"joint responsibility"怎么读"joint responsibility" in a sentence


  • 连带责任


  • Parties to joint project contracting shall bear joint responsibilities for the implementation of the contract
  • The third part is on the cause of the joint responsibility , which is the core of the thesis
  • The overall contractors and subcontractors shall bear joint responsibilities to project owners for the subcontracted projects
  • The maintenance of customer satisfaction and the development of long - term business partnerships will be the joint responsibility of elbd manager and business support team
  • Civil institution of joint responsibility , as a special responsibility institution , is of a prime significance as to protect the civil rights much more thoroughly
  • Good protection of noted historical and cultural cities are the joint responsibilities of local people ' s governments and the departments of cultural relics and urban construction planning
  • On the basis of joint responsibility , the government will strive to form partnerships with different organisations and sectors to engender a sense of friendship and mutual support
  • Article 17 citizens have the right of bearing , and shall also bear the obligation of practicing family planning according to law , husbands and wives shall bear joint responsibility in the implementation of family planning
  • Where the board of directors of a company fails to implement the provisions of the first paragraph resulting in damage to the company , the director ( s ) held responsible shall bear joint responsibility for compensation in accordance with law
  • Social insurance premium is used should by tripartite of unit of country , choose and employ persons , individual joint responsibility , go up in higher administrative levels and the society comes true to be mixed as a whole inside bigger range each other aid
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"joint responsibility"造句  
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